What's Left of My Heart    (RS 737)


    Nao Nittono


Circle Left
I wanna love you, but I'm a little bit broken
And I told myself I'd never fall again
Left Allemande Now, You Dosado Her
Left Allemande Your Corner, Weave the Ring, I'll Give You
All My Attention, Time and Affection
My Hopes, My Dreams and My Scars
But if you'll take pieces and parts
Here's What's Left of My Heart


Heads Two You Square Thru, Four Hands Around Now
And With the Sides You Make a Right Hand Star
The Heads Star Left, One Time Around There
To the Same Pair Do a Right and Left Thru
And Now You Swing Thru and Then, Swing Thru Again
Swing Your Corner All Promenade
And if you'll take pieces and parts
Here's What's Left of My Heart


Sides Face Grand Square
Never thought I'd find another
Who could ever make me feel the way you do

There’s No Denying, I’m a Fixer Upper

But I Swear You Got an allemande left and weave
I’ll Give You All My Attention, Time and Affection
My Hopes, My Dreams and My Scars
But if you'll take pieces and parts
Here's What's Left of My Heart


Sides Face Grand Square
I Wanna Love You, But I’m a Little Bit Broken
And I Told Myself I’d Never Love Again

There’s an Empty Space, In My Life Wide Open

If We Take It Slow Allemande Left and Weave, I’ll Give You

All My Attention, Time and Affection
My Hopes, My Dreams and My Scars
But if you'll take pieces and parts
Ladies Chain Across and Back

Here's What's Left of My Heart


My Heart, Ah, Oh, Oh