Super Trouper    (RS 736) 



  A picture containing person, clothing, indoor, wall

Description automatically generated  Hisae Moriguchi


Circle Left
I was sick and tired of everything
When I called you last night from Glasgow
Left Allemande Your Corner,  Dosado
Allemande Left and Weave The Ring
Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find me
Shining Like the Sun
Smiling, Having Fun
Feeling like a number one


Heads Square Thru and Get Me Four
You Make a Right Hand Star Now
Heads Star Left, go Once Around the Ring You Go
and Do a Right and Left Thru
Swing Thru and Then, Swing Thru Again
Swing Your girl and Promenade
Smiling, Having Fun
Feeling like a number one


Four Ladies Chain, Turn Your Girl
You Roll Away and Circle Left
You Roll Away and Circle Left
Allemande Left, and Weave
Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel blue
Like I always do
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you


Grand Square
So I'll be there when you arrive
The sight of you will prove to me I'm still Alive
And when you take me in your arms And hold me tight
I know it's gonna mean so much tonight, Allemande and Weave
Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel blue
Like I always do
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you


Four Ladies Chain Across and Back
Feeling like a number one, Feeling like a number one