All I Want Is A Life    (RS 715)


  Tim Tanner


Circle Left
I just want to get a little more out of my payday
Finally own a car that doesn't break down on the freeway
The men star right, I ain't asking for much,
Left Allemande and You Weave
All I want is a life
To drink from a glass from the well that ain't dry
I'm sick of the crumbs, I want a piece of that pie
All I want is a life


Heads you Promenade and Travel Half Around You go
Walk on In and Pass the Ocean, Then Extend you Know
Swing Thru and Then Boys Run, you Bend That Line
Reverse Flutterwheel in time
Pass the Ocean, then Everybody Fold
Swing Corner Girl and Promenade on home
I'm sick of the crumbs, I want a piece of that pie
All I want is a life


Circle Left
I hate coming home to this old broken down apartment
I wish I had a dime for every hole that's in this carpet
The men star right, I ain't asking for much,
Left Allemande and You Weave
All I want is a life
To drink from a glass from the well that ain't dry
I'm sick of the crumbs, I want a piece of that pie
All I want is a life


Circle Left
I don't mind the hours and the pain that comes from workin'
But it's enough to kill me when I see my baby hurtin'
The men star right, I ain't asking for much,
Left Allemande and You Weave
All I want is a life
To drink from a glass from the well that ain't dry
I'm sick of the crumbs, I want a piece of that piiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
All I want is a life