Bloody Mary Morning    (RR 321)  Wade Driver


Four Ladies Chain, you turn that girl and then
You Rollaway, Circle Left go round
Four Ladies roll away, Circle Left and go
Left Allemande and Weave The Ring
It´s a Bloody Mary morning, baby left me without warning
Sometime in the night
I´m flying down to Houston with forgetting her
The nature of my flight


Heads Square Thru count 'em 4 hands round
You make a Right Hand Star
The Heads Star Left, roll it one time and then
Same pair and do a Dosado
Swing Thru and then the Boys Trade
Swing the corner lady round and Promenade
It´s a Bloody Mary morning cause I´m leaving baby
Somewhere in L.A.


It´s a Bloody Mary morning cause I´m leaving baby
Somewhere in L.A.