Take It Back    (RR 239)   Dee Dee Dougherty


Sides face, grand square
*You talked me into moving in and giving you my key
You said you'd be a mess now if it hadn't been for me
You said I stole your heart away by looking in your eyes
I wonder now how many times you've sold that pack of lies

Four ladies promenade inside the ring
Get back, swing and promenade the ring
If this is how you act when you give your heart away
Take it back, take it back


Heads square thru you count 'em four hands go
Around the corner lady, dosado
You swing thru, spin the top for me
Guys move up, a right & left thru turn you see
Flutter wheel, sweep 1/4 more
Swing your corner, promenade the floor
If this is how you act when you give your heart away
Take it back, take it back


*You told me I was everything, you wanted and more
Then tell me what you're doing now, sneaking out the back door
You're bringing home flowers, and a bottle of chablis
You forgot I don't drink wine, I know that bottle's not for me

*Well I'm not one for sittin' round in some ol' kiddie pool

I hate to steal your thunder, but your playin' days are through
At least they are with me, 'cause babe I got no use for you


Tonight you're staying on the street, babe
Your bag is packed, take it back