Stand Up    (RR 193)  Jerry Story


Circle Left
Ever have a hot date, one of those that can't wait
Thing's go little too far
Allemande left your corner, turn your partner by the right
Allemande left and weave around the ring
Stand up, tell us all about it
Swing a little lady round and all promenade
Stand up, have you ever been there
Stand up testify


Heads two couples square thru and go now
With the corner girl you'll do the right and left thru
Swing thru two by two, boys run to the right
Half tag, scot back and then, boys run
Square thru, you get tree quaters round now
Swing a little corner girl and all promenade
Stand up, have you ever been there
Stand up, testify


Stand up


* Throught i was a he man, do it just for me man ** Knew just what to do * Thought i was a hero, she rated me a zero ** Said honey chil, i want you