Oh Lonesome Me   (Rhythm 183 )   Wade Driver, Jerry Story


Four little ladies promenade go once around
Get back home and swing that man, swing him 'round
Join up hands and circle left you know
Left allemande, weave the ring
There must be some way I can lose these lonesome blues
Swing that lady 'round and promenade you do
I've thought of everything from A to Z
Oh, lonesome me


Heads square thru, four hands around you do
When you meet that corner do the right and left thru
Swing thru and then, boys run right my friend
Do a half tag, trade, roll, and then star thru
Square thru 3/4 'round that ring you know
Swing that corner lady, promenade on home
I've thought of everything from A to Z
Oh, lonesome me


Oh, lonesome me...Oh, lonesome me