Nothing Ever Hurt Me
(RR 108)
Pat Barbour
I've had a splitting headache from my eyebrows to my backbone
arthritis, 'pendicitis, lice & bleedin' gallstones
left allemande that corner, walk on back, dosado
left allemande that corner, weave around you know
I've had a toothache so severe my jawbone split in 2
dosado and promenade
nothing ever hurt me half as bad as losing you
head/side 2 couples square thru 4 hands around you go
when you meet that corner, you'll do a dosado
swing thru 2 by 2, boys run right and then
couples circulate 1 notch, wheel & deal my friend
pass thru & trade by, swing that corner doll
left allemande new corner, promenade you all
nothing ever hurt me half as bad as losing you
nothing ever hurt me half as bad as losing you