Honky Tonk Square Dance Blues   (Rhythm 105 )   Pat Barbour


Circle left
* As soon as she left me I knew
** I wish I'd never been untrue

Left allemande the corner girl, dosado with your own
The men star left one time
Turn your partner by the right hand round, left allemande
Swing and promenade my friend
I'm trying to get back to that woman of mine
I've got the honky tonk square dance blues


Heads promenade halfway
Sides a right and left thru I say
Square thru and go, four hands you know
And do a dosado, Eight chain four
I've got the honky tonk square dance blues
Swing the corner, promenade her too
I'm trying to get back to that woman of mine
I've got the honky tonk square dance blues

TAG: Yodel


* It's tough when our troubles commence
** Just waiting around in suspense

* So my friends while we're dancing down there
** I want to make myself real clear