Crazy    (RI 969)


A person with the hand on the chin

Description automatically generated with low confidence  Masumi Nishinaka


Circle Left
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so
Men Star Right Now, one Time Around There You Go
Allemande and Weave
I knew, you'd love me as long as you
Wanted,Swing and Promenade

And then someday
you'd leave me for somebody new


Heads Square Thru , Four Hands and Then
Dosado Her
Swing Thru, Boys You Run Right, Bend the Line
Right and Left Thru
Pass the Ocean, Boys Cross Fold
Swing, Promenade Her
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you


Grand Square
Worry, why do I let myself
Wondering what in the world did I do
Allemande and Weave
Crazy for thinking that my love could
Hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you


Grand Square
Crazy for thinking that my love could
Hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you, Allemande and Weave
Crazy for thinking that my love could
Hold you

I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving............. you