You Decorated My Life    (RI 955)



A picture containing wall, person, person

Description automatically generated  Keita Takahata


Circle Left
All My Life Was A Paper...........Once
Plain Pure and White...........Do A
Left Allemande, then You Dosie Your Own
Allemande and You Weave
You.......Decorated My
Life..........Created a
World....Where Dreams Are A
Part...... ...............Heads


Promenade Half Way.......Walk In and
Square Thru To Four...............Go
All the Way Round, Do The Right and Left Thru, Veer
Left, Ferris Wheel....................Square
Thru............. Three Quarter Round and You
Swing, Promenade ......By Painting Your
Love.....................All Over My
Heart, ............  (Heads)  (Circle Left Like a


Circle Left
(Like a) Rhyme With No Reason...........In An
Unfinished Song..............Do A
Left Allemande, then You Dosie Your Own
Allemande and You Weave
You.......Decorated My
Life..............Created A
World....Where Dreams Are A
Part...... (Sides)  (Ladies Chain go three)


(Ladies Chain Go Three) Quarters........Roll
Away, Circle Left Now.........There Was
No Harmony, Life Meant Nothing To Me...'Til
You Came Along, Allemande and Weave
You.......Decorated My
Life..........Created a
World....Where Dreams Are A
Part......You Decorated My Life

