The Best Is Yet To Come
(LS 601)
Steve Jacques
All four ladies promenade go once inside the ring
Get back home and swing that man, everybody swing
All join hands and circle, to the left around you know
Allemande left that corner girl, let's weave the ring and go
The best is yet to come
When you meet that lady there swing that girl and promenade
I have to shout when I think about having so much fun
Keep holding on, it won't be long, the best is yet to come
Head couples square thru 4 hands you go
Meet that corner lady, then do a dosado
Swing thru to the rhythm of the band, boys run to the right
Do a half tag, trade, roll to face her, then a right & left thru
Turn that girl around, pass thru, make a u-turn back
Swing that corner girl and promenade
If she won't jig and jive along, and share with you her fun
Keep holding on, it won't be long, the best is yet to come
Keep holding on, it won't be long, the best is yet to come